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My mother died suddenly in 2011, and soon after, my father was diagnosed with dementia. I fell into a deep funk. I realized that I had to find someway to see the beauty in the world again, and to regain a feeling of gratitude for the life I had. So every morning, when I walk, I look for bits of beauty. Most days, I walk the same three mile loop through my neighborhood. Sometimes I walk in places where I am teaching. I take photos with my iPhone. I look closely at the details; that’s where I find the most miracles. It helps. I hope it helps others, too; that’s why I post my photos on Instagram with the hashtag #BeautyOnMyMorningWalk. I encourage you to look for your own small miracles every day.
AT LEFT: Me, with my mom, in 1964. My mother was a talented quilter and seamstress, and was trained as a home economics teacher. She taught me to see the beauty in so many things, and to be thankful.
Love you, Mom. Miss you.
Love you, Mom. Miss you.