Many thanks to the following individuals and institutions who have purchased my work:
Purple Anemone – Carolyn M. Ormond
Pink Beetle – Valentina Odon
Pink Phalaenopsis – Page Loré
Falling Ginkgo #6 – Laura Drey, for Sarah Betson
Blue Crab, Green Water – Andrew Hossom
Glow – Kess Clark
Convergence – Pam Baggett
Pride Ewe – Chana Tilevitz
Three Fishes #4  – Rebeca George
Three Chairs with Yellow Wall – Rebecca George
Falling Ginkgo #5 – Laura Drey, for Peggy Kinney
Falling Ginkgo #4 – Laura Drey
Falling Ginkgo #3 – Laura Drey
Rameses – Angela Ellis
Daffy – Kathleen Riordan
Falling Ginkgo #1 – Belinda Smith
Robin in the Pokeweed – Laura Drey
Three Fishes #3 – Laura Drey
Lichen #2 – Laura Drey
Nestled – Laura Drey
Beetles – Coleman Whittier
Frond – Marci White
Buck the Rooster – Alicia Carter
John Dory – Lorna W. Chafe
Busy – Patti Postage
Moon Moths – Rebecca McLean
Peony Petals – Diane Dempsey
Sea Glass – Diane Dempsey
Sproing – Marvin Fletcher, Marbaum Quilt Collection
Bald Head Island Marsh – Joshua Criscoe
Three Fishes #2 – Mary Wenzel
Indian Corn Imprint – Natalie Bree
Goldfish #7 – Karen Windsor
Peach Waterlily – Nancy May
Poppy in Pink – Susan Spratt
Magpie's Hoard – Linda Lee Bittner
Let it Be Love – Bronwen Blass
Windswept – Bianca Potrykus
Raven in Chartreuse – Bianca Potrykus
Coreopsis – Rebecca George
Drawn to the Light – Brad & Alex Merritt
Twilight Garden – Cam Blass
October Moon – Carl F. Pieper
Pink Waterlily – Ted Mellnik
Three Chairs #1 (Chairs with Sky) – Beth Wheeler
Peach Waterlily – Nancy May
Raven in Sapphire – Beth Wheeler
Raven in Peridot – Joanna Hagler
Magic Beans – Paula Reeves
Persimmons 2 – Jo Anne Earp
The Red Chairs – Vivika Hansen DeNegre
Reaching to the Light – Kiyomi Carter
Peony #1 – Patricia Mainini-Storer
Snowflake #1  – Deborah Stewart 
Palmetto – Tim Tourtellott 
Persimmon – Barry & Nancy DeFoe 
Venus Flytrap – Brad Merritt 
Turkey Tail Fungus – Brad Merritt 
Fern Dance – Damon Waitt 
Old Baldy – Susan Fetner 
Syncopation – Jean Mendenhall 
Urchins in Purple  – Sarina Kraft 
Goldfish #3 – Diana VanGorden
Yellow Coneflower – Gigi Miller 
Urchins in Blue – Kiyomi Carter 
Mending the Universe – Janet Tarasovic 
Totality – Pamela Grundy 
Lovely Luna – Maureen Phillips
Goldfish #2 – Maureen Phillips
Fall Color – Beth Schultz
Raven in Green – Cynthia Herrara
Tar Heel Tough – Elizabeth Patton
Loggerhead – Donna Jo Westberry
Mish Mash – Donna Jo Westberry
Bit by Bit – Donna Jo Westberry 
Golden – Jacqueline Im
Raven in Violet – K. Stedman
Goldfish #4 – Jeffry Aube/Janet Perkins
Bodie Island Lighthouse – Ted Millnik
Gourds – Laura Drey
Coneflower in Pink – Laura Drey
Prepared for Takeoff – Laura Drey
Paved with Good Intentions – Laura Drey
Sunflower2 – Laura Drey
Pink Poppy – Laura Drey
The Mind is Not a Vessel – Laura Drey 
Goldfish #5 – Laura Drey 
A New Box – Laura Drey 
Joyful – Laura Drey 
Windswept – Bianca Potrykus 
Raven in Blue – Linda Barat 
Goldfish #6 – Letty Fawcett 
Orange Coneflower 7 – Rae Nancy Zuberbuhler 
Christmas Fern – Vivika Hansen DeNegre 
Cicadas on Yellow – Karen Kay Buckley 
Poisonous Words – International Quilt Museum 
Death Toll – Luana Rubin
Le Poisson Bleu-Vert – Richard & Vicki Anderson 
Fancy Goldfish – Brenda Bauermeister Groelz 
Suffolk Sheep – Mary Wenzel 
First Green – Janet Ramsey
Bonnie & Clyde – Alex Anderson 
Cosmic Cosmos – Carolyn Johnson 
Sunny – Karen Lukacs 
Little Green Butterfly – M. Kay Myers 
I See the Moon – Karey Bresenhan/International Quilt Festival Collection
Psychedelic Peacock – Susan Schwarcz 
Hope is the Thing – Karey Bresenhan/International Quilt Festival Collection 
Smoky Mountain Autumn – Jeanne Kamensky 
Blue Feathers – Nancy G. Cook 
Exotic Beauties – Susan & Chris Sigmon 
Ruffles – Susan & Chris Sigmon 
The Bluest Eye – Susan & Chris Sigmon
Fall Farm Stand – Ron and Janet Zick
Wool Yarn – Christina Cunningham 
I Didn’t Know Roses Had Hips – Lya Geven 
Rivers of Red – Kelly Jackson 
Detritus 1 – June Bronsen 
Red Coleus – Suzanne Kistler 
Cooped – Ann Marsh
Wooden Spools – Elizabeth McNabb 
Postcard from Glacier – DeLane Rosenau
Vanity – Kelly Jackson
Candy Corn – Susan Williams Beltz
Pink Rose – Tomme Fent 
Red-Eyed Tree Frog – Kelly Jackson
Varigated – The Schroder Collection 
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